vrijdag 29 november 2013

Singing is important



Through singing children learn that music expresses their feelings and ideas. Singing is one of the first experiences children have as creative and self-expressive beings. As you know from listening to a child playing alone in a crib, she will sing before she can talk! A child will sing a story while looking at picture books before he can read! Through songs, children learn about themselves and the world around them. Help your children feel comfortable singing, and give them a varied repertoire of beautiful songs that they can keep on singing for the rest of their lives. Self-expression through singing affords a child deep satisfaction and contentment. Improve Your Singing Voice,
source:  http://music.rice.edu/ycd/res001.shtml

zaterdag 16 november 2013

The voice of the world.

This season holds you back The V Reporter aware of everything that happens around The voice of the world. He is the face of social media and take you through our website behind the scenes. The reporter backstage opens doors that remain closed to TV. He also shows what the coaches do when they are not on their coach seat talents and reveal their deepest secrets with him. Remember that you may belong to the following canditates with this course.

donderdag 14 november 2013

What is your vocal range?

Sopraninos-  The highest reaching of the ranges, a Sopranino can sing to D6 and beyond.
Sopranos- Sopranos sing in the range of C4 to A5, or even higher.
Mezzo-soprano- A3 to F5 is the mezzo-soprano.
Alto- The very standard range for altos is E3 to E5.
Contralto- "contralto," is for females and extend below E3, the lowest female voices.
Countertenors- Males with very high vocal ranges, into the alto and soprano ranges of female vocals, with a strong, clear falsetto, are called countertenors
Tenor- A tenor can comfortably sing between C3 and A4. This one is near the upper end of the male's vocal range.
Baritone- A baritone singer has a range from F2 to E4.
Bass- F2 to E4 is the range for a bass singer, with a comfort range normally between G2 and A3.
Contrabass: If you can sing very low we known that as a sub-bass, contrabass, or a basso profundo, near G1 or lower.
Find more information on the teaching program here
Breathing exercises advice

maandag 11 november 2013

singing advice

It's very important  to begin with breathing exercises. Breathing exercises is for better control the pitch and duration of your singing. The best singers can breathe deeply and consistently this will give better mileage out of their voice.
Practice to open your throat opening. Open the jaw like a fish might out of water on a relaxed way. Flexing your facial muscles a little bit in between.
Do the following warm up: the breathing exercise before you warm up:
So start inhaling a couple deep breaths of air. Imagine that the air is really heavy as you breathe it in.
Let the breath fall below your belly button, into your diaphragm. Repeat several times for the best effect.
Find a light feather and practice keeping it in the air, sort of like you're juggling a feather with your air stream. Gradually blow the feather really high up, and try keeping it there.
Keep the air stream coming from your diaphragm and don't let your chest collapse as you keep the feather in the air. The air stream must coming from your diaphragm.

zondag 10 november 2013

 Go to site for free trial

In Just 5 Minutes A Day, You Could Start Singing With Incredible Control, Power, Pitch, And More Freedom Than You Ever Imagined …
“You Too Can Learn How to Sing online – Improve Your Singing Voice, Sing With Amazing Control, And Gain A Full Octave In Your Vocal Range”
Over 10,000 Singers – Including Professionals, Recording Artists and Even Total Beginners – Have Used The Superior Singing Method To Experience Vocal Breakthroughs. Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, just with control.

Take your singing voice up to a superstar.
If you’re like most people who dream of becoming a world-class musician or just love to sing, your goal is simple: you want to overcome your vocal barriers. You want to take your singing ability to the highest level.

And you know that across the world, more and more people are taking their voice to that next level.

But why do some of these ‘lucky’ singers seem to have amazing ability, perfect control, pitch, agility, confidence, and a huge vocal range – while you might still be struggling to improve your singing voice and have a masterful singing voice?
This is what makes the difference between a world-class singer and an average singer you must practice, like good, better best. Afther a while.
It’s all about how you practice and train your voice. Most ‘vocal improvement’ systems and techniques just give you a set of vocal exercises with NO direction and leave you on your own to figure out how to actually sing.

But at Superior Singing Method, I train you with a form of active vocal improvement to spark your inner singing ability, improve every aspect of your singing voice – which means that you will start singing the way you always dreamed while gaining a masterful control over your voice…with amazing power and a range that will let you hit every note with ease and confidence.

You’ll do this through a set of time-tested and highly refined vocal exercises that come together to train every aspect of your singing voice: a voice where you can sing with amazing pitch, better agility, more power, improved resonance and tone, and impress anyone who hears you sing.

This singing Method is like having a personal vocal instructor 24/7 for you, showing you exactly how your voice works, and how to work with each. reach that level starting todaymuscle group in your voice to get the results you want.